Friday, February 9, 2024

DBP29: Morbid Autumn

DBP29: Morbid Autumn | DBP29.WAD

Doomer Boards

Say what you will about the culture at the Doomer Boards, why it was founded, and how it stands in the Doom community relative to Doomworld, the ZDoom forums, and all the rest -- they know how to make maps over there, and with the Doomer Board Projects series have been pretty consistently churning out quality limit-removing mapsets with unique or interesting themes that the community at large, fixated on finding some alchemical perfection of vanilla essence in Doom's stock textures, has largely passed over.

Morbid Autumn is the 29th such project from the Doomer Board folk; hot off Fear and Loathing, their Doom 3-themed project, the DB take a tack on a different kind of horror theme, moving away from the sci-fi Aliens-esque trappings of Doom 3 to gothic horror in the vein of Blood and other classics. Making heavy use of the all-time classic texture set from Gothic Deathmatch and its successors, Morbid Autumn has you assaulting a gloomy series of castles, fortresses, dungeons and manors, surrounded by the dead leaves and bare trees of late autumn.

Morbid Autumn doesn't really have a story. It doesn't even replace the stock intermission text, though a ZMAPINFO lump does make sure the map names are correct. Like a great many mapsets we're pretty much forced to just make one up of our own, or -- given that this is Doom after all -- just play the maps as they're presented to us, narrative be damned. I decided to give the mapset a bit of added flavor, and to that end I added the following mods: HorrorMovieRei's underrated Gothic Doom reskin pack, DoomKid's 150 Skins mod (set to some hooded guy whose mugshot sprites I think are from Samsara?), Flashlight++ 8.5 set to "Lantern," and one of my new favorite toys, Retro FX with Dither. I like to imagine the story as being a monster hunter in the late 19th century come to clear an old castle of some Satanic bullshit and the cult that summoned it -- like a different spin on Blood. I dunno, I think it works. (I also use my old autoload standbys, a lightweight mod that makes enemies bleed the correct color blood -- and it's still valid for Gothic Doom -- and another one that makes GZDoom's "you found a secret" message significantly less head-exploding.)

Whether you use all these mods or not -- and I don't blame you if you don't, this is just for my own amusement, but IMO they gel well together -- Morbid Autumn is a fantastic little episode, headed (as usual) by Jon "40oz" Vail. 40oz eases you in at first, but he will definitely pull the rug out from under you before the first map is over, a mean little trick that I think was probably better executed in Ancient Aliens. Towards the middle of the set you'll get a series of maps that are fantastically atmospheric romps, the standout being sonny666's "Norwich Lane," a wonderfully detailed map that in all honesty would have fit snugly into one of the many Blood mods that are out there these days. The final series of maps are more linear affairs that nevertheless are great fun, throwing big hordes at you and occasionally requiring a bit of tactical thinking (Ilya "joe-ilya" Lazarev's level is a good example.)

The Gothic texture set has gotten a lot of use in the quarter century since its creation; while it is, or at least was, a popular aesthetic for deathmatch releases (most notably Crucified Dreams) it's also seen use in single player campaigns like Caverns of Darkness and Sunlust. Morbid Autumn makes heavy use of it in a style that should be familiar to fans of Gothic Deathmatch; an0n's map (in the 7th map slot) especially feels like a lost GothicDM level in its detailing and odd layout. The overall aesthetic leads heavily towards greys and browns, which has the effect of making Morbid Autumn quite gloomy without a lot of contrast to add pop. Red highlighting effects don't actually do much in that regard, but some levels -- I'm thinking of 40oz's "Magma Gorge" in particular -- make excellent use of lava to add some light and color to this mouldering tomb of a mapset.

You should play Morbid Autumn. While sometimes the Plutoniousity goes off the scale and into the realm of slaughter, it's a bit of a mixed bag in that regard, with a good combination of encounter types to keep you on your toes. It won't punish you constantly like Sunlust would, but it definitely likes to throw some intense encounters your way. Well worth a play. 

MAP01: Mortis Castille

Jon "40oz" Vail

The episode begins appropriately by starting you off at the end of what must have been a long journey, and now the only thing between you and a small fortress is a lonesome cliffside mountain path. From the first shot you'll hear the roar of a cyberdemon, but he's not much of a threat -- yet. The initial combat isn't too rough provided you mind the cybie, but when you step through the teleporter the red key unlocks, you're dropped into a nightmare zone where that cybie (who previously -- and mysteriously -- disappeared) chases you around a looping arena that also fills up with a lot of demons and other bullshit. A rough way to set the tone.

MAP02: The Guillotine


40oz eases you in a little better this time around with a cute little castle complex surrounding an open courtyard with a cute little guillotine. He's also nice enough to give you a backpack right in the middle of the path. The biggest threat is probably going to be the repeated revenant encounters, though the lost souls flying everywhere in the guillotine yard are a pain too. I really like the bit where you have to grab a texture-based key and use it to unlock a nearby door.

MAP03: Hate Tectonics


I hope you like shitty metal MIDI, because a bad rendition of Joy Division's "Shadowplay" (the real thing is pretty good though) is gonna be on loop for a while, and I'm not gonna lie, it kinda ruins the atmosphere. Nevertheless, Peerdolius is a relatively recent comer to the Doom community, mostly active on the Doomer Boards, but if this is the kind of stuff he can crank out this early in his career I have high hopes for him indeed. There are some amateur mistakes here and there -- there's a spot where you can jump down to get some health, but there's no way back up -- and a wall that should have lowered didn't, which may actually be something on my end involving GZDoom 4.11.1 as something similar happened with No Rest For the Living's secret level the last time I played it. Regardless, this is a gloriously gloomy journey into the dark, a cave system beneath a crumbling castle. If you decide to jump down into the left-hand pit by the red door you'll get taken on a journey through a dark tunnel system culminating in a hitscanner ambush and yet another Arch-vile. Very cool, atmospheric level.

MAP04: Norwich Lane


A beautifully atmospheric survival horror chiller set around a ghostly manor of sorts and the nearby grounds. It starts off with a few spooks before throwing a couple tough fights at you in the caves. The moment with the Arch-viles when you grab the blue key isn't normally much to sweat about but down there in the dark it can be pretty nerve-wracking. The custom midi composed by sonny666 actually really drives the atmosphere to a high point. It's a fun spook ride from the Cacodemon in the barn when you grab the chainsaw to the surprise moshpit at the end. Easily my favorite map.

MAP05: Magma Gorge


40oz sends us on a cave tour that opens into a massive magma chamber. Generally this is a pretty easy ride compared to the likes of "Hate Tectonics" or 40oz's own "Mortis Castille" and is therefore a pretty welcome respite. The overall aesthetic reminds me heavily of maps I used to play 20-plus years ago, like The Darkening and most especially QDoom. The fight in the final room will definitely be much easier if you find the hidden invulnerability sphere near the red key door, but even after you take down the Cybie and his imp pals you've still got the baby spiders to deal with.

MAP06: Deathwistle


SuperCupcakeTactics drops us into a cramped, gothic graveyard and tomb complex that throws an enormous amount of hitscanners at you. The level is a bit of a slog at first with lots of roaming enemies and open lines of sight even from areas you won't get to yet, but once you find your way into the tombs -- and the clandestine meetings taking place within them -- the action calms down a little bit, though Cupcake sure likes big hordes. The final fight with a pair of Barons guarding a hallway is more tedious -- but safer -- if you jump back out of the hole in the wall you climbed in through.

MAP07: Der Galgen


With a name that means "The Gallows" in English (and indeed there is one, right of the start point) this one definitely feels a bit like a throwback to the aesthetics of Gothic Deathmatch, a small castle complex with some cool ambushes. Both the red key and blue key are immediately available at opposite ends of the map, left and right of the starting point, and you'll need them both to first enter a large hall and then reach the yellow key, respectively. The red key fight in the cave (the one really naturalistic area of the map) is relatively sedate, but the press of Barons and an Arch-vile in the blue key room may pose a serious roadblock unless you can safely open the gate and get out.

MAP08: The Fallen Towers

Ilya "joe-ilya" Lazarev

A fun, brief adventure map across a series of broken pieces of castle wall. You'll be treated to some wide vistas as you journey across a toxic swamp. Ilya throws a few surprises at you on the walls, and sometimes it's safer to just take a dive into the swamp and run for the nearest teleporter, which will take you back to the start of the map at which point you can traverse the jumps again and deal with the bullshit from relative safety. But then he switches things up on you with the teleports close to the far shore of the swamp just dumping you right back in the spider garden you were trying to get away from. Survive all that and you get to deal with dozens upon dozens of Imps just pouring out of a throne room. Cool map.

MAP09: Call of the Canyon

Morpheus Kitami

In a mapset full of detailed, "modernist" maps, Morpheus Kitami drops something that feels a little older on us, a sparsely-detailed canyon crawl that slowly winds around a central peak. You'll be dealing with Imp snipers and Manc artillery in addition to large crowds of zombies and pinkies, but the finale is a little underwhelming with a lone Arch-vile you can take out from a distance before triggering a cageful of Revenants that are easily dispatched by circle-strafing. Not a bad map, but it feels a little out of place in this set.

MAP10: Dusk Ache

40oz & SuperCupcakeTactics

Morbid Autumn reaches its climax with a sprawling, but linear castle adventure. You'll be dealing with some easily-managed groups of beasties at first, but the Mancubus chamber can get a bit frantic. The real fight, however, is the huge mixed horde at the very end, though 40oz and SuperCupcakeTactics are kind enough to dump plenty of rocket ammo on you as well as a megahealth for the Archie ambush (which, if you've opened the gate beforehand you can completely ignore.) All in all, a good way to end the mapset.

-June <3

In the shadowplay, acting out your own death

The Doomer Boards Projects


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DBP11: Lilywhite Lilith

  DBP11: Lilywhite Lilith | DBP11.WAD Doomer Boards