Can I Play, Mommy?

I'm so sorry about the page title.

This page is intended as an index for a series of guides covering some of the major 3D engines of yesteryear, the games that run on those engines, and how to play those games in the modern day. Expect this to be a perpetual work in progress.

idTech 0 

Wolfenstein 3D, Rise of the Triad, Operation Body Count, etc.

idTech 1

Doom, Heretic, Hexen, etc.

Marathon engine

Pathways into Darkness, Marathon, Damage Incorporated, etc.


Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, Blood, etc.

Jedi Engine

Dark Forces, Outlaws

idTech 2

Quake, Quake II, Hexen II, etc.


Half-Life, Counter-Strike, Day of Defeat, etc.

Unreal Engine 1

Unreal, Deus Ex, Duke Nukem Forever (yes really), etc.

idTech 3

Quake III Arena, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Call of Duty, etc.

Unreal Engine 2

Unreal Tournament 2004, Bioshock, Killing Floor, etc.


Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike Source, Left4Dead, etc.

idTech 4

Doom 3, Quake 4, Wolfenstein (2009), etc.

Other engines

Other games...

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