About the author

Hi, I'm June Gloom and I like to share my opinions about stuff. I'm in my 40s, female, and disabled. I'm also unabashedly, unapologetically queer and furry.

But what I ultimately am is just a huge nerd. I've been playing what the kids call "boomer shooters" (a term I hate) since the days of Wolfenstein 3D, and I have no intention of stopping. I really love the intense creativity of the communities that coalesced around games like Doom and Duke Nukem 3D, and I love that 30+ years on there's still new stuff being made for these games and their cousins. And I wanna talk about that stuff!

I also must admit that at least some part of this is an attempt to reclaim a space that, until the last five-ten years, has been a reflection of the wider gaming community: deeply hostile to anyone who didn't fit into a perceived default demographic. I think the greatest irony of how violently queerphobic the classic shooter community can be is that they ignore the obvious fact that we've been playing these games for as long as they have, if not longer. Look at the Doom community -- the person who laid much of the groundwork for the sheer amount of creativity in that arena is a trans woman. We've always been here, and we're not going away.

Hail to the queen, baby.

Forgive Me Father 2

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